Job: Wisdom when it hurts

What does it mean to be wise even through suffering?

The bible’s book of Job explores this question through one of the most memorable, complex, and gut-wrenching accounts of suffering. Job is a wise man, who ‘fears God and shuns evil’ (Job 1:8); and yet extreme and undeserved suffering befalls him.

Throughout the book we encounter a heavenly test, three unwise friends, and God himself; and we see that wisdom in found in ‘fearing God for nothing’, not letting undeserved suffering turn us against God, but enduring in humble and dependant trust in the Lord of heaven and earth, who we have come to know through Jesus.

Join us through Term 3 2024 as we explore this amazing book of the bible and its rich wisdom for life today.

4th August:Does Job fear God for nothing?‘: Wisdom in suffering (Job 1:1-2:10)
11th August:Sighing has become my daily food‘: Wisdom in lament (Job 2:11-3:26)
18th August:Who, being innocent, has ever perished?‘: Wisdom when your friend suffers (Job 4-27)
25th August:My advocate is on high‘: Wisdom when falsely accused (Job 4-31)
1st September:But where can wisdom be found?‘: A hymn to wisdom (Job 28)
8th September:God comes in awesome majesty‘: Wisdom in waiting (Job 32-37)
15th September:Now my eyes have seen you‘: Wisdom eclipsed (Job 38:1-42:6)
22nd September:The Lord restored his fortunes‘: Wisdom and hope (Job 42:7-17)