Read the Bible passage Service Outline. Our mission is to speak up for the Lord (v1-8) Jesus is the Messiah Speaking for Christ is hard and rewarding The Lord encourages courageous speaking (v9-11) The Lord confirms that He is God The Lord promises that He is with us The Lord commands us to keep speaking…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. ‘…if I could have seen the shore…’ Seeing the shore: The risen and reigning Lord Who turns death into sleep Who will come in glory to dwell with us So: Don’t focus on times and dates Wake up! Therefore encourage one another and…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. Dear Thessalonians… We thank God for who you are: Loved, chosen, faithful and fruitful (ch 1) Remember who we are: approved by God, sharing both gospel and life (ch 2-3) So do this more and more: Living in order to please God (ch 4-5) The grace of our Lord…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. How do you respond to a city? What Paul sees A city full of idols He is greatly distressed by this The Lord Jesus alone deserves all our worship What Paul does He engages with people where they are (synagogue, marketplace, Areopagus) How do we engage with…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. There is another king… Be persuaded! (v. 1-9) Be a Berean! (v. 10-15) ‘Many of them believed’
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. The sovereign, triune God has a global gospel (v. 6-12) opens closed hearts (v. 13-15) frees the oppressed (v. 16-24) saves the captives (v. 25-40) ‘…he was filled with joy’
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. Artificial love in an AI world: disembodied, ‘magical’ relationships enabled by a digital guide that curves us inward Real love in God’s world: whole-person, divine love poured out by the Holy Spirit who leads us up and out ‘…. put…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. Time for an upgrade? An artificial hope: An upgraded humanity conquering the technical problem of death on a fading planet The certain hope of the gospel: A glorified humanity healed of the spiritual problem of death on a new heaven and earth Come, Lord Jesus! …
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. Fake news in a post-truth world: Can you be sure of anything? Real faith in the real world: …is in the faithful One …whose word is true, …who has made his dwelling among us, …and who is full of grace and truth People take refuge in the shadow of…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. Depression … it’s more common than you think A helpful Psalm The long, dark night of the soul (v1-4) Desperate for fellowship with God Misery, mockery Recollection Self-talk (v5-6) Evangelist to self It won’t always be like this Leaning in to God (v7-10) Deep calls to deep…