Read the Bible passage Service outline A burden for the weary: The enslaving seduction of idolatry (46:1-2) ‘Turn to me and be saved’: Replacing our idols with the one true and living God The incomparable God who carries his people (46:3-7) The sovereign God who does as he pleases (46:8-11) The saving God who will…
Read the Bible passage Service outline Comfort? Isaiah 40-66: Surprising relief, stunning hope Glorious comfort for suffering exiles (40:1-11) The comfort of atonement (v2)The comfort of God’s presence (v3-5) The comfort of the eternal gospel (v. 6-9) The comfort of the strong and tender shepherd (v. 10-11) Comfort through the justice-bringing Servant (42:1-4) The (current)…
Read the Bible passage Service outline Jesus proves he has risen (v36-43) Jesus shows he is the fulfillment of prophecy (v44-47) Jesus is the saviour of the world (v48-53)
Read the Bible passage Service outline Sad faces. ‘Sizzling’ hearts. “Stay with us!” Swift feet.
Read the Bible passage Service outline Song This Is Amazing Grace Reading Luke 24:1-3 Talk An Early Morning Mystery Song The Lord is King Reading Luke 24:4-8 Talk A World-Changing Light Song He Is Risen Reading Luke 24:9-12 Talk An Invitation to Wonder Song Christ…
Read the Bible passage Service outline Reading Isaiah 53:4-6 Song There Is A Fountain Reading Luke 22:1-23 Prayer & Silence Song The Power of the Cross Reading Luke 22:24-46 Prayer & Silence Song Hallelujah! What a Saviour Reading Luke 22:47-65 Prayer & Silence Song Before the Throne of God Above Reading Luke 22:66- 23:25 Prayer…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline In life we are continually becoming The truth of WHO Jesus is (v. 1-4; 14) The goodness of WHY Jesus (v. 9-13) The glory of WHAT Jesus has done (v. 14-18) Who will you become?
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Jesus’ hidden kingdom causes joyful sacrifice (v. 44-46) Jesus’ hidden kingdom will one day be all-in-all (v. 47-50) Jesus’ hidden kingdom creates disciples with ever-new treasure to share (v. 51-52) “For the joy set before him, he endured the cross”
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Great expectations… Jesus’ parable: A nice sea-side farm yarn? (v. 1-9) Jesus’ parable: Hiding and revealing the secrets of the Kingdom (v. 10-17) Jesus’ parable: Hearing the message of the kingdom (v. 18-23) ‘Whoever has ears, let them hear’