Sermons (Page 24)

The Lord is King #3 – The Vine of the Lord: Bad (and good) fruit – Isaiah 5:1-30

Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Bad fruit? “What more could have been done!?” (5:1-7) Woe! Israel’s cluster of rotten fruit Oppressive materialism (v8-10) Thoughtless hedonism (v11-12) Cynical wickedness (V18-19) Moral confusion (v20) Proud arrogance (v21) Drunken corruption (v22-23) Therefore! Exile (v13) Death and humiliation (V14-17) Decay (v24) The Lord’s anger burns (v25) Yet, for…

United #10 – United in Marriage (Ephesians 5:21-33)

Read the Bible passage Sermon outline 1. Alarm Bells! 2. Insights from Context – grace (3.19-21, 4.1-3, 5.1-2, 5:18ff) – submission is for everyone(5.21) – submission will look different (wives … children … slaves …) – a bigger story, a greater reality(5.31-32) 3. Pastoral Gold – wives: Respect your husbands(5.22-24,33) – headship explained(5.28-31) – husbands:  Love your wives(5.25-33) 4.…