Read the Bible passage Sermon outline A victorious life? What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us: Four threats to our assurance 1) Who can be against us? 2) Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? 3) Who then is the one who condemns?…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Challenges to faith The Bible is very honest about the problem of suffering in our world Romans 8:18 ‘…our present sufferings…’ Romans 8:35 ‘…trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or sword?’ And yet rock solid confidence for believers What is God doing about our suffering NOW?…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline A world awash with sin and pain – are there any advantages to being a Christian? 1. We have the ‘first fruits’ of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:23) – what we have now – what we don’t have yet we ‘groan’ now – confident hope – some peddle false…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline We have never faced a year like this… Is God both good and powerful? Why does God let his beloved children (Romans 8:15) suffer? And yet the Bible seems to insist Christians will suffer… Romans 8:17 “…we are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share…
Read the Bible passage
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline A spiritual person? Two realms: Adam / flesh Vs Christ / Spirit The Realm of the Flesh: Death and hostility The Realm of the Spirit: Life and peace A new identity in the realm of the Spirit
Read the Bible passage
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Our deep need 1. Clarity about the Gospel a) What is a ‘gospel’? b) Whose gospel is it? c) What is its background? d) What’s it about? e) What’s its scope? f) What’s its purpose? g) What’s the ultimate goal? 2. The…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline The field (v. 1-3) The Valley (v. 4) The Feast (v. 5) The Home (v. 6) Who is your shepherd?
Read the Bible passage