Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Introduction What things might indicate his humility? Isaiah 50:6; 53:7. John 8: 10,11; Isa.42:3. Matthew 21: 1- 5. Philippians 2: 5 -8. We as followers of Jesus are called to be humble. Romans 12: 16. 1 Peter 5:6 -7; 3:8. John 13: 15. Our Lord’s gracious…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Introduction An example of Jesus’ compassion. Jesus’ compassion to a leper has inspired others – 3 examples. Some other examples of the compassion of Jesus from the gospels. What do these examples tell us about the compassion of Jesus? Jesus is our sympathetic high priest now. As followers of…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Intro: What is blessing? The Matter of Belonging The Matter of Inheritance The Matter of Future Hope Conclusion: What is blessing? Prayer Points Praise God that he has an eternal desire to bring us blessing because he is filled with love for his creation. Praise God that we have…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Verses Section Title “ 42:1-5 Jacob sends 10 brothers to Egypt for food. Jacob sends his 10 sons to Egypt: a shroud of suspicion rests over this family as he holds back Benjamin from possible harm. 42:6-28 A test for Joseph’s brothers (Part 1): Simeon imprisoned They do…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline 1. The Story 2. How Does This Story Point To Jesus? 3. What Do We Take Away From This Story?
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline 1. Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife 2. The Cupbearer and the Baker 3. Joseph and Jesus
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline 1. Joseph 2. Judah 3. Joseph and Judah: What do we learn? a) God brings transformation of flawed people b) God brings blessing even through sin c) God brings salvation by a rejected saviour
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Assurance of Fellowship with God (1 John 1:1-2:3) Assurance of Knowing God The New Command…which is Old…but is New! Implications of Following the New Command
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Part 1: A Call To Stand In Grace (vv15 – 17) Part 2: A Call To Persevere In Suffering (vv18 – 19) Part 3: A Call To Follow Without Distraction (vv20 – 25) Prayer Points: 1. Praise God for his glorious grace: that he knows our weaknesses and failures, and still wants to restore…