Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Praying big little prayers… This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Give us this day our daily bread’ ‘Forgive us our debt as we forgive our debtors’ ‘Lead us not into temptation’ ‘Deliver us from the evil one’ For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, now…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Prayer and the danger of familiarity… How not to pray “This, then is how you should pray”… Our Father in heaven hallowed by your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven “Grant your people grace to love what you command and…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Prayer and the restless search for perfection Perfection in prayer: The Father loves to hear his children The Son makes every prayer pleasing to God The Spirit helps us as we pray God’s precious gift: Praying to the Father, in the Son, by the Holy Spirit
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Why not pray? The journey into cynicism: “Did God really say?” (Genesis 3) The progress of cynicism: Worthless idols, broken cisterns (Jeremiah 2) An age of cynicism: Praying in the 21st century Learning to trust again
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline A touchy subject? Our approach: Prayer in the big picture Beloved dust: Created to live with God (Genesis 1:26-2:7) All things new: Redeemed to live with God (Revelation 21:1-22:5) Prayer in the push and pull: Glorifying God, enjoying him forever
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline The key to the Psalms: “what God is like, not what we should do” • so we avoid moralism (we’re not OT Jews; only God is exemplary – He’s the main character in the Bible) • so we see how Jesus is the fullest revelation of what God is…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline The God-enabled response that brings all of someone to respond to Him. What is Worship? • A rebellious people ransomed • Rebellion despite ransom • A faithful God Our Lives as Worship • Now • Romans 12:1-3 • Because of Eternity • Revelation 22:1-5 Our Golden Calves
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Signs and wonders today? 1. An Amazing Miracle A sign 2. What does the sign point to? The significance of the Ark of the Lord A Sign for us? Miracles today? Matthew 12:38ff Preaching the sign today? Experiencing God today?
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Not what you would expect… After chapter 1 Spies from Shittim Numbers 13 and 25 1. An Unusual hero (v2-7) 2. What do we learn from Rahab? Unexpected grace God can use anyone Matthew 1:5 1 Corinthians 1:26 The God who judges The nature of faith James 2:24-25
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Not exactly earth shattering news The crisis Deuteronomy 34:10 Written for people like us – who face an uncertain future 1. How to Face the future with confidence – A positive attitude? – Joshua 1:2-5 – What has God promised us? 2. Taking hold of the Promises of God…