Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Being misunderstood Getting Jesus wrong (v. 1-15) Seeker of the world’s acclaim Good man or deceiving prophet Top of the class Getting Jesus right (v. 16-24) The Word of the Father! The One who judges correctly Judging Jesus?
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Watersheds and turning points The sticking point: the difficult claims of Jesus (v. 60-62) The only hope: God’s gift of life, by his Spirit, through his word (v. 63-66) The gift in action: desperation, trust, knowledge (v. 67-69) The danger of counterfeit faith (v. 70-71) To whom shall you…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline “I’m starving…” Jesus: the bread who comes down from heaven (v. 35-40) Those who eat: pure receivers (v. 41-44) Jesus: the bread who belongs in heaven (v. 45-46) Those who eat: anyone who believes (v. 47-51) Jesus: the bread who is torn apart (v. 51-59) Feed on Christ
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Satisfaction? The crowd’s confusion (v. 22-24) Recalibration #1: Don’t miss the sign (v. 25-29) Recalibration #2: Don’t try to earn the sign (v. 28-29) Recalibration #3: Don’t idolise the sign (v. 30-33) Resolution: Follow the sign, feed on Christ (v. 34-40) “Whoever comes to me will never go hungry”
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Absolute power… The Son’s power and a great crowd (v. 1-4) and a great problem (v. 5-9) and a great feast (v. 10-13) and a great (but misguided) claim (v. 14-15) and a great storm (v. 16-21) Seeing, and living in, the power and goodness of the Son
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Big claims? The ultimate witness… Jesus? (v. 31-32) John the Baptist? (v. 33-35) The Father! (v. 36-40) in his works in his word Accusers become the accused (v. 41-47) Believe the testimony, come to Jesus
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline He looks just like his dad! The real Jesus: Equal with God The screws tighten (v. 16-18) Like father, like son (v. 19-23) The now-and-not-yet hour (v. 24-29) Full circle (v. 30) Hearing and honouring the Son
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Will the real Jesus please stand up? The story so far John’s fourth ‘sign’ (5:8-9) … in a charged environment (v1) … and a strange question (v6) … and a desperate man (v7) … and the Jewish leaders (v11-13) … and Jesus’ surprising warning about ‘something worse’ (v14-15) Hearing…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Shock #1: “you can’t ask that”! Shock #2: the prodigal is welcomed home Lk 15:1 Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. 2 But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” 3 Then Jesus told…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Two Annies The perfection of love in the Song of all songs Love’s celebration (v5) Love’s seal (v6) Love’s fire (v6-7) Love’s worth (v7) The blazing fire of the love of God