Sermons (Page 39)

The Real Jesus #16 – The Watershed (John 6:60-71)

Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Watersheds and turning points The sticking point: the difficult claims of Jesus (v. 60-62) The only hope: God’s gift of life, by his Spirit, through his word (v. 63-66) The gift in action: desperation, trust, knowledge (v. 67-69) The danger of counterfeit faith (v. 70-71) To whom shall you…

The Real Jesus #14 – The Bread of Life (John 6:22-40)

Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Satisfaction? The crowd’s confusion (v. 22-24) Recalibration #1: Don’t miss the sign (v. 25-29) Recalibration #2: Don’t try to earn the sign (v. 28-29) Recalibration #3: Don’t idolise the sign (v. 30-33) Resolution: Follow the sign, feed on Christ (v. 34-40) “Whoever comes to me will never go hungry”