Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Watersheds and turning points The sticking point: the difficult claims of Jesus (v. 60-62) The only hope: God’s gift of life, by his Spirit, through his word (v. 63-66) The gift in action: desperation, trust, knowledge (v. 67-69) The danger of counterfeit faith (v. 70-71) To whom shall you…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline “I’m starving…” Jesus: the bread who comes down from heaven (v. 35-40) Those who eat: pure receivers (v. 41-44) Jesus: the bread who belongs in heaven (v. 45-46) Those who eat: anyone who believes (v. 47-51) Jesus: the bread who is torn apart (v. 51-59) Feed on Christ
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Satisfaction? The crowd’s confusion (v. 22-24) Recalibration #1: Don’t miss the sign (v. 25-29) Recalibration #2: Don’t try to earn the sign (v. 28-29) Recalibration #3: Don’t idolise the sign (v. 30-33) Resolution: Follow the sign, feed on Christ (v. 34-40) “Whoever comes to me will never go hungry”
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Absolute power… The Son’s power and a great crowd (v. 1-4) and a great problem (v. 5-9) and a great feast (v. 10-13) and a great (but misguided) claim (v. 14-15) and a great storm (v. 16-21) Seeing, and living in, the power and goodness of the Son
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Big claims? The ultimate witness… Jesus? (v. 31-32) John the Baptist? (v. 33-35) The Father! (v. 36-40) in his works in his word Accusers become the accused (v. 41-47) Believe the testimony, come to Jesus
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline He looks just like his dad! The real Jesus: Equal with God The screws tighten (v. 16-18) Like father, like son (v. 19-23) The now-and-not-yet hour (v. 24-29) Full circle (v. 30) Hearing and honouring the Son
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Will the real Jesus please stand up? The story so far John’s fourth ‘sign’ (5:8-9) … in a charged environment (v1) … and a strange question (v6) … and a desperate man (v7) … and the Jewish leaders (v11-13) … and Jesus’ surprising warning about ‘something worse’ (v14-15) Hearing…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Shock #1: “you can’t ask that”! Shock #2: the prodigal is welcomed home Lk 15:1 Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. 2 But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” 3 Then Jesus told…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Two Annies The perfection of love in the Song of all songs Love’s celebration (v5) Love’s seal (v6) Love’s fire (v6-7) Love’s worth (v7) The blazing fire of the love of God
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Lost that lovin’ feelin’? The fall of intimacy in the songs of this world naturalism + individualism = ? the folly of going against your heart The fall of intimacy in the Song of all songs the fall into insecurity the fall into unmet longing the fall into abuse…