Read the Bible passage Service Outline x Why did Jesus tell this story? Leaving dad, and where it ended up. Coming to his senses. Dad’s reaction. The elder son’s reaction and dad’s response. Ourselves?
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. Uncertainty, anxiety, and confusion? The patient proofs of the risen Lord (v. 36-43) The amazing fulfilment of the long-awaited Lord (v. 44-46) The Messiah WILL suffer (e.g. Psalm 22, Isaiah 53) The Messiah WILL rise (e.g. Psalm 16) The global mission of the ascended Lord (v. 47-53) The Messiah’s…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Easter journeys…. The Emmaus journey: From blind despair and foolish doubt to heart-burning certainty and joy-filled witness through meeting the glorious King in all the Scriptures! Were not our hearts burning within us?
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Order of Service Welcome Song: King of Kings Song: I Stand Amazed Reading: Luke z3:5o-56 Talk: Waiting for the kingdom Song: The Lord is King Reading: Luke 24:I-8 Talk: The King is risen! Song: He is Risen Reading: Luke 24:9-12 Talk: Searching for the King Prayer Song: In Christ…
Read the Bible passage
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Salvation is impossible for us to achieve Jesus Christ achieved salvation Jesus gifts salvation to all who trust in Him
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Meeting Jesus: Famine or feast? The Pharisee’s feast: a manipulative trap (v. 1-6) full of proud, self-exalting people (v. 7-11) and a host looking for favours (v. 12-14) The Feast of the Kingdom of God: a great banquet (v. 15-17) full of all the wrong people (v. 18-21) and…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline What place does money have in my life? (1) Watch out for greed in our lives Signs of greed in our lives There is more to life than wealth (2) How to be stress-free about money Money makes us…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline “Who do the crowds say I am? ” Meet Jesus: God’s anointed King (v. 18-20) Follow Jesus: The suffering Son of Man (v. 21-27) Listen to Jesus: The glorious Son of God (v. 28-36) But what about you?
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Where is your fear? Meet Jesus: The Master who stills the roaring of the seas (8:22-25) The Son of the Most High who destroys the devil’s work (8:26-39) The unhurried and tender Lord of life (8:40-56) Where is your faith?