Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Slightly nervous…? The Source of Intimacy in the Songs of our World Intimacy by accident Intimacy as right and achievement Intimacy through looking in The look of love in the songs of our world The Source of Intimacy in the Song of all Songs Intimacy by design Intimacy as…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Introduction Stand firm – in the Lord Stand together – in unity Stand out – from the world Stand up – for what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent & praiseworthy
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline No confidence in the flesh (v1-11) Pressing on toward the goal (v12-14) Enemies of the cross (v18-19) Citizens of heaven (v20-21)
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Citizens growing together (2:12-13) Citizens shining together (2:14-18) Two model citizens (2:19-30) Timothy: Selfless gospel servant Epaphroditus: Courageous gospel soldier ‘Whatever happens, live as citizens worthy of the gospel of Christ.’
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline A foreign outpost… The city’s constitution (1:27) The city’s enemy without (1:28-30) The city’s enemy within (2:1-4) The city’s Lord (2:5-11) ‘Whatever happens, live as citizens worthy of the gospel of Christ.’
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline There are three parts in today’s reading that indicate that what made Paul “tick” is the Gospel. We can summarize them as: 1. Gospel possibilities v13,14. 2. Gospel priority v 15-18. 3. Gospel purpose for living and provision for dying. v 19-26.
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Unfinished projects Partnership (v. 1-5) Promises (v. 6) Passionate Prayers (v. 7-11) Priorities “he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus”
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline To Worry…is to be Human Matthew 6:25,31 and 34 1. The Top Priority (Matthew 6:19-24) How do you know if your heart/treasure are in the wrong place? 2. Worry – a misplaced heart (Matthew 6:25-34) Is all worry wrong? The antidote for worry Seek first His Kingdom and His…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline A Warning for Believers Matthew 6:1 The tension: Matthew 5:16 and Matthew 6:1 1.The Danger: Doing Righteousness to Impress Others 2.How to Guard Against Hypocrisy 3.What is the promised reward? 4.Hypocrisy and the Lord’s Prayer The Lord’s Prayer is a)an antidote to hypocrisy b)a test for hypocrisy
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline What’s the world coming to? Daniel 7: The curtain is drawn back The kingdom of chaos: the four beasts (7:1-8, 15-25) The kingdom of God: the Son of Man and the Saints of the Most High (7:9-14, 26-27) Living in the end of the world “From now on you…