Read the Bible passage Sermon outline vv1-5 An outstanding servant vv6-18 A vain and foolish king vv19-28 A great salvation So what, for us? 1. Daniel and Jesus Acts 2:22 “Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs, which God did…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. A clash of kingdoms The king’s party (v. 1-4) The king’s terror (v. 5-9) The king’s last hope (v. 10-16) The king’s warning (v. 17-24) The king’s sentence (v. 25-31) “The Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth”
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Let it go! Nebuchadnezzar Vs God The proclamation (v. 1-3) The dream (v. 4-18) The interpretation (v. 19-27) The fulfillment (v. 28-33) The great reversal (v. 34-37) Pride, power, and the even greater reversal of the gospel of Jesus.
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. “He is the image of the invisible God” Christ is SUPREME In Creation In the Church Christ is SUFFICIENT In his Person, God with us In his Work, God for us And so: Colossians 2: 6,7
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Introduction The call for love “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13v34-35 The definition of love the dimensions of…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. An idol in Babylon (v. 1-7) ‘But there are some Jews…’ (v. 8-15) ‘The God we serve is able’ (v. 16-18) Fury and fire (v. 19-23) ‘No other god can save in this way’ (24-30) Idols, exile, and trusting the God who saves
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. A Deadly Dream (v. 1-15) Daniel’s Response (v. 16-45) Prayer Praise Praise Proclamation Nebuchadnezzar’s Response: Awe and Honour (v. 46-49) The now-and-not-yet kingdom of God
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. A tale of two kingdoms (v. 1-7) A crisis in the court (v. 8-20) A surprising ending (v. 21) Living as ‘elect exiles’
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. But wait, there’s more…Hope for you: Jesus our first-fruits (v. 20-23) Trees and seeds (v. 35-57) Hope for the cosmos: God all in all (v. 24-28) Death has been swallowed up in victory!