Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Introduction The call for love “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13v34-35 The definition of love the dimensions of…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. An idol in Babylon (v. 1-7) ‘But there are some Jews…’ (v. 8-15) ‘The God we serve is able’ (v. 16-18) Fury and fire (v. 19-23) ‘No other god can save in this way’ (24-30) Idols, exile, and trusting the God who saves
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. A Deadly Dream (v. 1-15) Daniel’s Response (v. 16-45) Prayer Praise Praise Proclamation Nebuchadnezzar’s Response: Awe and Honour (v. 46-49) The now-and-not-yet kingdom of God
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. A tale of two kingdoms (v. 1-7) A crisis in the court (v. 8-20) A surprising ending (v. 21) Living as ‘elect exiles’
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. But wait, there’s more…Hope for you: Jesus our first-fruits (v. 20-23) Trees and seeds (v. 35-57) Hope for the cosmos: God all in all (v. 24-28) Death has been swallowed up in victory!
Read the Bible passage
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Stirrings in Switzerland Conflict and mediation Conflict – small and great Prophets, Priests & Kings A Final mediator Christ Alone – Then Mediators again? Finished or not? Once for all! Christ Alone – Now Inclusive exclusivity One hope for all Heralds of Good news From Scripture alone: by grace…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Faith alone: A doctrine to die for… Faith alone: an old battle (Galatians 2) Faith alone: among the ‘solas’ Faith alone: some alternatives Faith alone: hearing, accepting, trusting Faith alone: the freedom of a Christian
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Grace alone: Luther’s breakthrough The offence of grace (Eph 2:1-3) The wonder of grace (Eph 2:4-9) The work of grace (Eph 2:10) Putting the amazing back into grace
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. A monk, a money maker, and a malletScripture alone? Some alternatives Scripture alone: The inspired word of God Scripture alone: The unfailing word of God Scripture alone: The sweet word of God Reading, and being read by, God’s word today