Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Ambition?Paul and the boldness of grace (15:14-19) Paul and the ambitions of grace (15:20-24) Living with gospel ambition
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. The mind of Christ: consumed with God’s glory (15:1-6) The great purpose: nations together glorifying God for his mercy (15:7-12) The promise of a united, God-glorifying people: joy, peace, and hope (15:13) Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Freedom! Disputable Matters: Black and white advice for the grey areas Make up your mind (14:13) Truth, conscience, and love (14:13-16) Let the disputable be overwhelmed by the indisputable (14:17-18) Pursue the indisputable! (14:19-23) The Freedom of a Christian
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Excuses…Jesus and proud doers “To some who were…” (v9) Two very different men, two very different prayers (v10-13) The scandalous summary (v14) Jesus and humble receivers “People were also bringing…” (v15) Receiving the Kingdom of God (v16-17)
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. A house divided: ‘disputable matters’ The key to gospel unity: know who you are You have been welcomed by God (14:1-3) You are the servant of one Lord (14:4-9) You will appear before one Judge (14:10-12) Life together under the Lord of grace
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Peter’s introductory words, (vl-2) God has given us everything we need for life and godliness. (v3-4) For this very reason make every effort to add to your faith: (v5-7) Goodness Knowledge Self-control Perseverance Godliness Mutual affection Love If we possess these qualities in increasing measure then…? (v8) But if…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. The land of deep darkness (Isaiah 9:2) The light that brings joy, freedom and peace (Isaiah 9:2-5) The light in the flesh: a child is born (Isaiah 9:6-7)
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. What time is it? Understanding the time Past mercy (12:1) future salvation (13:11-12) Living ‘as in the daytime’ Wake up! (13:11) Get Dressed! (13:12) Get going! (13:13-14) Advent, Christmas, and the transformation of Christ’s body.
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. ‘Debt’ in the Christian life Love: the unpayable debt (13:8) Love: the fulfillment of the Old Testament law (13:9-10) Love in Christ’s body: from duty to delight
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Two kingdoms… The call: Be subject to the governing authorities (13:1) The reason: They are established by God! (13:1-2) The purpose of governing authorities: ‘the sword’ (13:3-4) Living under earthly kings to please the eternal King (13:5-7) In Christ, in Australia