Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Peter’s introductory words, (vl-2) God has given us everything we need for life and godliness. (v3-4) For this very reason make every effort to add to your faith: (v5-7) Goodness Knowledge Self-control Perseverance Godliness Mutual affection Love If we possess these qualities in increasing measure then…? (v8) But if…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. The land of deep darkness (Isaiah 9:2) The light that brings joy, freedom and peace (Isaiah 9:2-5) The light in the flesh: a child is born (Isaiah 9:6-7)
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. What time is it? Understanding the time Past mercy (12:1) future salvation (13:11-12) Living ‘as in the daytime’ Wake up! (13:11) Get Dressed! (13:12) Get going! (13:13-14) Advent, Christmas, and the transformation of Christ’s body.
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. ‘Debt’ in the Christian life Love: the unpayable debt (13:8) Love: the fulfillment of the Old Testament law (13:9-10) Love in Christ’s body: from duty to delight
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Two kingdoms… The call: Be subject to the governing authorities (13:1) The reason: They are established by God! (13:1-2) The purpose of governing authorities: ‘the sword’ (13:3-4) Living under earthly kings to please the eternal King (13:5-7) In Christ, in Australia
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. What’s water? A new paradigm: Life as a gift (12:3) A new identity: In Christ, members of one body (12:4-5) A new purpose: humble, grace-driven service (12:6-8) Worship restored through the mercy of God
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. The Appeal a. To whom it is made b. The grounds on which it is made 2. The Appeal is to: a. Offer our body to God (Other mentions of using our body rightly include Romans 6:11-13 and 1 Corinthians 6:19-20) b. Do not conform to the world c.…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Who can you trust? The fullness of Israel (11:1-32) Has God rejected Israel? (11:1-10) The cycle of Israel’s fullness (11:11-32) The trust-worthy God (11:33-36) Trusting in the God of overflowing mercy
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. “Young man, sit down!” Two Kinds of Righteousness (9:30-10:13) Pursuing through the law versus obtaining by faith (9:30-33) Establishing our own versus submitting to God’s (10:1-4) Achieving the far off versus receiving what has come near (10:5-13) God’s righteousness: global and free! (10:14-21) The good news that makes beautiful
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Wonder and tragedy Paul’s pain: the tragedy of Jewish unbelief (9:1-5) Paul’s consolation: the sovereign mercy of God God chooses his people, and always has (9:6-13) His choice is free and undeserved mercy (9:14-19) This mercy is given to surprising people (9:19-29) The humbling, energising reality of God’s sovereign…