Read the Bible passage Sermon outline.
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. The age of outrage The judgers judged (2:1-5) The impartial judge (2:5-11) The perfect judge (2:12-16) The people of the judge (2:17-29) Outrage, grief, and joy under the exposing judgment of God
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline The dark backdrop The Darkness: God’s wrath revealed (v. 18) Wrath’s Reason Failed worship (v. 18-20) Exchanged worship (v. 21-25) Wrath’s Expression ‘Giving over’ to our worship (v. 26-31) Wrath’s Denial Group-think worship (v. 32) The wrath of God, the dynamics of sin, and the jewel of the gospel
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Here comes the evangelist! The gospel of God (v1-5) The gospel of God (v1) … promised (v2) … regarding his Son (v3-4) … for the obedience of faith (v5) The gospel for the Romans (v6-13) The gospel for all who believe (v14-16) The gospel revealing the righteousness of God…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline A world without purpose? The Great Encounter: (Not quite) all the disciples (v. 16-17) The Great Claim: All authority (v. 18) The Great Commission: All nations (v. 19-20) The Great Comfort: Always with you (v. 20) Imagine a world of purpose…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Turning points and water-sheds When Jesus and death collide (Matthew 27:57-28:15) Jesus: a body to mourn? (Matthew 27:57-61) Jesus: a threat to extinguish? (27:62-66; 28:11-15) Jesus: the risen saviour to worship (28:1-10) The joy-giving hope of Easter: “Imagine a world where death dies”
Read the Bible passage
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline What is the point of life? Where is the world heading Where is my life going? Ecclesiastes 1:2-3 Life ‘under the sun’ goes round in circles Ecclesiastes 1:5-7 Ecclesiastes 1:8-10 A survey of’ life investment’ options Wisdom/Knowledge? Ecclesiastes 1:13,18 Pleasure? Ecclesiastes 2:1-2 Achievement? Ecclesiastes 2:4-8,11,16-17 Lifestyle?…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Banquets and festal joy… The Invitation: Come! (55:1-2) The Menu: An everlasting covenant (55:3-5) The Call: Turn! (55:6-7) The Host: Utterly trustworthy (55:8-11) The Aftertaste: Eternal, cosmic joy; the host’s renown (55:12-13)
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline The Unbelievable Message: highly exalted, despised and rejected (52:13-53:3) The incredible reason: pierced for our transgressions (53:4-9) The wonderful outcome: the light of life (53:10-12) for the Servant, satisfaction for the many, righteousness The heart of the gospel: guilt, substitution, and grace