Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. The Prime Directive (6:11) In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Two logics The logic of licence The logic of the gospel Two Lords Sin / law / wickedness God / grace / obedience / righteousness Two fruits Shame and…
I yam what I yam… A logical question (6:1) Some possible responses Paul’s gospel answer (6:2-10) We are united to Christ… …and so share in his death to sin …and in his resurrection to new life The prime directive (6:11) In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Who do you think you are? The rule of death: being in Adam (5:12-14) One with Adam (v. 12) The depths of our inheritance (v. 13-14) The triumph of grace: being in Christ (5:15-21) Adam versus Christ (v. 15-17) Adam like Christ (v. 18-19) Why then the law? (v.…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Through the looking glass… Having been justified by faith, we have a new peace (5:1) a new place to stand (5:2a) a new confidence (5:2b) an unshakeable confidence (5:3-8) fuelled by suffering (v. 3-4) anchored in God’s love (v. 5-8) a new future (5:9-10) the ultimate boast (5:11) Life…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. ‘A leap of faith…’ The ‘law of faith’ (3:27-31) Always righteous by faith: the witness of Abraham and David (4:1-15) Abraham: father of many nations (4:16-25) The faith of Abraham: trusting in the faithful God
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. The jewel of the gospel The Righteousness of God A gift of grace Received through faith Accomplished by Christ By grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Lost for words? The story so far… (chapter 1-2) The great announcement! (1:1-17) The black velvet backdrop: The wrath of God (1:18-32) Defence #1: The religious exception (2:1-29) Defence #2: The logical exception (3:1-8) The final verdict (3:9-18) The defence rests (3:19-20) Silence and praise before the God and…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline.
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. The age of outrage The judgers judged (2:1-5) The impartial judge (2:5-11) The perfect judge (2:12-16) The people of the judge (2:17-29) Outrage, grief, and joy under the exposing judgment of God
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline The dark backdrop The Darkness: God’s wrath revealed (v. 18) Wrath’s Reason Failed worship (v. 18-20) Exchanged worship (v. 21-25) Wrath’s Expression ‘Giving over’ to our worship (v. 26-31) Wrath’s Denial Group-think worship (v. 32) The wrath of God, the dynamics of sin, and the jewel of the gospel