Read the Bible passage Sermon outline The land of the big… Day One: Who is John? (1:19-28) Day Two: Who is Jesus? (1:29-34) Day Three: Following John Jesus (1:35-42) Day Four: We have found… Come and see! (1:43-51) Being invited, becoming an inviter
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Marriage wars, book banning and the new sexual immorality ‘…what kind of woman she is’ (Luke 7:36-39) Sex: the backstory Sex is (very!) good Sex is not god ‘Simon, I have something to tell you…’ (Luke 7:40-50) Sex: the fulfilment Sex is a signpost! Sex, Jesus, and you
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Not the way it’s supposed to be… Suffering and God: an intellectual problem Suffering and God: a personal problem The Suffering God: suffering, hope, and the good news of Jesus
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline ‘Hell is other people…’? God’s new community of love (4:7-16) The source of love (4:7-8) The ultimate expression of love (4:9-10) The ongoing outworking of love (4:11-16) From fear to love (4:17-21) Church up, out, & in: the community of the gospel
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Secret Societies, Inner Rings, and the Kingdom of Christ An explosive word (Matthew 28:16-20) A transforming word (1 Thessalonians 1:1-7) An amplified word (1 Thessalonians 1:8-10) Ringing out across the South Coast
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Body building, face swapping, and honouring our head The glorious body The babyish body The body-building body The victorious Head gives gifts to grow his body How does this body grow? trained by the word of truth in united, loving community as we serve each other and live holy…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Church: Gothic building, broken institution, social club, or self-help resource? Ephesians 1: The greatest story ever told All things are for Jesus (1:10) … and Jesus is for the church! (1:22) … which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way (1:23) Church: the…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Warnings for friends Discipleship Distractions Hypocrisy (Luke 12:1-3) Fear (Luke 12:4-12) The lure of stuff (Luke 12:13-21) The solution (Luke 12:22-34) Slackness/boredom (Luke 12:35-48) Opposition (Luke 12:54-59) Using good judgement (Luke 12:54-59)
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline The best way to market the gospel A challenging life Luke 9:23 Luke 9:51 The heart of the saviour (Luke 9:53-56) Tough words for would be disciples (Luke 9:57-62) Where is your security (vv 57-58) Single minded (vv.59-60) Don’t be distracted (vv.61-62) Do you call him Lord?
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Dying is to become a Christian Luke 9:51 On the Winning Side (verses 18-20) Death is Not a Spectator Sport (verses 21-23) a)Jesus’ death and me b)Deny Self c)Take up your cross d)Daily e)Follow Losing and gaining life (verses 24-25)