Read the Bible passage Service Outline Change? An unstoppable transformation, as the risen Lord calls his people to: repentance and faith devotion to his word glad and sincere community sacrificial partnership awe-filled prayer and praise Be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Waiting… An unstoppable fulfilment: of God’s restoring presence (v. 1-13) of the ‘last days’ (v. 14-21) of the plan of God in the cross (v. 22-24) of the hope of a risen Christ (v. 25-32) of the promise of an ascended Lord (v. 33-35) “Therefore, let all Israel be…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Unstoppable…? An unstoppable kingdom… with a living Lord (v. 1-3) empowered by God’s promised Spirit (v. 4-8) growing across the whole world (v. 8) until the King returns (v. 9-11) founded on the witness of the Apostles (v. 12-26) T he unstoppable acts of the risen Lord Jesus
Read the Bible passage Service Outline The context Unpacking the 16th verse As we go, let people know
Read the Bible passage Service Outline What makes the Great Commission great? Who gives it Philippians 2:9-11 Who gets it Matthew 4:15-16 How we do it Genesis 12:2-3 Who goes with us Hebrews 4:11
Read the Bible passage Service Outline+ Rest Assured Matthew 27:45-50 Isaiah 57:20 The struggle to Rest Psalm 127:2 The World erodes the Rest secured by Jesus Hebrews 4:1-11 The Bible’s Call to Rest Hebrews 4:11 Tips to Secure Rest Revelation 14:13
Read the Bible passage Service Outline+ Team work… Paul’s gospel team: Real people in real relationships working hard for the kingdom of God in partnership together fuelled by God’s grace Grace be with you!
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Be devoted to prayer Make prayer essential Be aware of prayer needs Be thankful Pray for gospel opportunities For Christ clearly proclaimed Be devoted to proclaim Christ Show Christ Speak Christ
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Post-holiday blues? The glorious riches of the gospel: From the cosmic heights… … to the everyday grind The key principle: Thankful, all-of-life submission to Jesus (3:17) Continuing in Christ behind closed doors: Wives and husbands (3:18-19) Parents and children (3:20-21) Slaves and masters (3:22-4:1) ‘ Do it all in…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline What do Australians have their hearts set on? Colossians 3:1 ‘…set your hearts on things above…’ How do you do that? Remembering we are ‘in Christ’ (v1-4) ‘in Christ’? You died (v 3; 2:20) You have been raised (v1) You will appear with him in glory (v4) Set your…