Read the Bible passage Service Outline But there’s more…. How do you go on as a Christian? Not this way Don’t let anyone judge you (v16-17) 2. Don’t let anyone disqualify you (v18-19) 3. Don’t Submit to Human Commands and Teachings (v20-23) Religion is anti-Christian
Read the Bible passage Service Outline How do we grow as Christians? Be careful how you grow Stay grounded in Christ (v6-7) Continue to live in Christ Be rooted & built up in Christ Learn more of Christ Overflow with thankfulness Find fullness in Christ (v9-10) The fullness…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline What is it that motivates you and excites you? Paul’s passion for gospel ministry 1) He serves the church with the Word of God A servant who brings the Word of God A Word that is all about the mystery revealed in Christ A service that entails suffering 2)…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline 1. Once we were enemies of God (v21) 21 Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behaviour. 2. God has reconciled us through Christ (v22) 22 But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline How Marvellous? The most potent force in the universe is … (Gen 1:25-28; Col 1:6, 10) 1) Christ’s Supremacy and the Creation of ‘all things’ (v15-17) WHO is Jesus … (v15) He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. …
Read the Bible passage
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Is Trinity Church Victor Harbor a Spirit Filled Church? What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit? a) Is Ephesians 5:18 talking about speaking in tongues? Filled with the Spirit in Acts Different results of being filled Not a one off experience…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline
Read the Bible passage Service Outline The most controversial chapter in the Bible? But meant to bring unity and thankfulness. The Promise Luke 24:46-49 Acts 1:4,6,8. What happened? Pentecost Unusual, but not unique The impact (Acts 2:12-13) What did it mean? (Acts 2:14-41) Speaking in tongues (vv17-21) The ‘Last Days’ Jesus is the focus (vv22-41) …
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Longing for glory The transforming glory of God: … in his mighty works … in his provision … in his presence … in his goodness … in his Son ‘Transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory’