Read the Bible passage Service Outline Love’s Package Love’s Priority Love’s Portrait Love’s Permanence Love’s Position
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Love’s Package Love’s Priority Love’s Portrait Love’s Permanence Love’s Position
Read the Bible passage Service Outline “We are one, but we are many”? Christ’s body: United in one Spirit (12-14) Dividing the body: “You don’t need me” (15-20) Dividing the body: “I don’t need you” (21-26) Building the body: eagerly desire the greater gifts (27-31a) Building the body: follow the most excellent way (31b) “Now…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline A Spiritual church? Holy Spirituality: All about Jesus (v. 1-3) Holy Spirituality: All of God’s grace (v. 4-6) Holy Spirituality: Diverse gifts, united purpose (v. 7-11) A Holy Spirit church
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Family meals The Corinthians’ family meal: Despising the church of God (v. 17-22) The Lord’s family meal: Remembering Christ crucified (v. 23-26) The travesty: Re-crucifying their Lord! (v. 27-31) The remedy: Receiving their Lord’s discipline (v. 32-36) Discerning the body today
Read the Bible passage Service Outline A difficult passage? God’s good design in creation: A noble calling (Gen 1:28) A beautiful partnership (Gen 1:27; 2:23-25) God’s good design in his church: A noble calling (1 Cor 10:31-11:1) A beautiful partnership (1 Cor 11:2-16) Embracing God’s good design; displaying God’s wonderful gospel
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Freedom and the idols of our hearts The way out: Flee! (10:14-22) …from idolatry …because you’re playing with fire The way on: Follow! (10:23-11:1) …the example of Paul (& Christ) …by living for God’s glory …and the salvation of many The expulsive power of a new affection
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Strict training? Run with your eyes on the prize (9:24-27) Run heeding the warning of those who fell (10:1-10) Run with your confidence in God alone (10:11-13) God is faithful; so run!
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Fight for your rights? Paul’s consuming ambition: the gospel (v. 12, 23) Paul’s past example: giving up his rights for the progress of the gospel (v. 1-18) Paul’s ongoing pattern: a free slave for the sake of the gospel (v. 19-23) Faithful flexibility as gospel…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Is it ok to…? The issue in Corinth: Food sacrificed to idols (v. 1) The principle: Love and knowledge (v. 1-3) Right knowledge: The one true and living God (v. 4-6) Right love: Freely giving up your freedom (v. 7-13) The freedom of a Christian
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Quiet contentment or revolutionary devotion!? Revolutionary devotion in the last days: Live as those who belong to God’s coming world within the good (but temporary) constraints of this present world in gospel-fuelled wisdom and freedom …that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.