Read the Bible passage Service outline Live in expectation of Christ’s return (vv.1-10) a. Day of the Lord will surprise people in darkness b. Day of the Lord will not surprise those of us in the light 2. Encourage each other in light…
Read the Bible passage Service outline Live in expectation of Christ’s return (vv.1-10) a. Day of the Lord will surprise people in darkness b. Day of the Lord will not surprise those of us in the light 2. Encourage each other in light…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Famous last words… Waiting together in thoughtful, gospel-focused peace (v12-15) in joy-filled, discerning dependence on God’s Spirit (16-22) in yearning, confident trust (23-24) in warm, word-based unity (25-27) The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline KEY IDEA: The Courageous Christian who stands firm and endures to the end as they share Jesus with others is a confident Christian, thoroughly convinced that having ‘come once’ Jesus is coming again to save those who live and die believing in him. This ‘confidence’ will not just ‘stand…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Death and FOMO ‘Those who sleep…’ An informed, hope-filled grief (v13), made sure by Jesus’ once-for-all victory (14), that guarantees his triumphant return (15-17), and means those who sleep ‘in him’ will in no way miss out (15-17). The eternal encouragement that outshines our fear
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Now about love in God’s family… This love comes from God (v. 9) This love never ends (v. 10) This love is ambitiously humble (v. 11) This love is attractively hard working (v. 12) …we urge you, brothers and sisters, to do so more and more
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline God’s better story of sex and relationships Living the better story in Thessalonica The underlying reality: God’s will for our holiness (v. 3) Sanctified sex: Three commands Avoid pornea! (v. 3) Control your own body (v. 4-5) Don’t wrong a brother or sister (v. 6) Sanctified sex: Three motives The…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline A sense of direction? ‘As for other matters…’ ‘…we instructed you’ ‘…how to live in order to please God’ ‘…do this more and more’ ‘…by the authority of the Lord Jesus’
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Love’s joy and anguish at ‘Kiah Ridge’ CONTEXT: Love’s joy and anguish at Thessalonica … Paul’s ‘love letter’ defence against deceivers … (‘you know’ … 1:5, 2:1, 2, 4-5, 7-8, 9, 10, 11) 1) Love’s anguish with no news (2:17-20) 2) Love’s disruption to find out news (3:1-5) 3)…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline An attitude of gratitude Grace and peace (v1) Gospel-shaped gratitude (v2-10) The fruit of the gospel (v3) Gospel assurance (v4) The coming of the gospel (v5a) Gospel imitation (v5b-6) Gospel modeling (v7) The going out of the gospel (v8-9a) Lives transformed by the gospel (v9b-10) Greater gratitude, expressed in…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Secret Societies, Inner Rings, and the Kingdom of Christ An explosive word (Matthew 28:16-20) A transforming word (1 Thessalonians 1:1-7) An amplified word (1 Thessalonians 1:8-10) Ringing out across the South Coast