Read the Bible passage Service Outline The unstoppable word Vs: the doors of a prison (5:17-26) the commands of men (5:27-32) the rage of rulers (5:33-42) the needs of the church (6:1-7) So the word of God spread…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline The unstoppable word Vs: the doors of a prison (5:17-26) the commands of men (5:27-32) the rage of rulers (5:33-42) the needs of the church (6:1-7) So the word of God spread…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline You can change? A transforming grace A holy grace An amazing grace God’s grace is powerfully at work in us
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Being the bad guys!? An unstoppable boldness… to proclaim the risen Lord given by the Holy Spirit learned from being with Jesus made clear with gospel glasses asked for in humble prayer “We cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard”
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Remember that old song?? An unstoppable restoration, as the risen Lord: makes the lame to leap brings the outcast in refreshes the repentant fulfils and restores all things Repent, and be restored!
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Change? An unstoppable transformation, as the risen Lord calls his people to: repentance and faith devotion to his word glad and sincere community sacrificial partnership awe-filled prayer and praise Be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Waiting… An unstoppable fulfilment: of God’s restoring presence (v. 1-13) of the ‘last days’ (v. 14-21) of the plan of God in the cross (v. 22-24) of the hope of a risen Christ (v. 25-32) of the promise of an ascended Lord (v. 33-35) “Therefore, let all Israel be…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Unstoppable…? An unstoppable kingdom… with a living Lord (v. 1-3) empowered by God’s promised Spirit (v. 4-8) growing across the whole world (v. 8) until the King returns (v. 9-11) founded on the witness of the Apostles (v. 12-26) T he unstoppable acts of the risen Lord Jesus
Read the Bible passage Service Outline The most controversial chapter in the Bible? But meant to bring unity and thankfulness. The Promise Luke 24:46-49 Acts 1:4,6,8. What happened? Pentecost Unusual, but not unique The impact (Acts 2:12-13) What did it mean? (Acts 2:14-41) Speaking in tongues (vv17-21) The ‘Last Days’ Jesus is the focus (vv22-41) …
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline The End has come… Really!? The overlap of the ages: The tension between the ‘now’ and the ‘not yet’ The End in us: Life in the age of the Spirit The Spirit unites us to Christ In him we are already new! In him we are being made new…