Read the Bible passage Service Outline To some, the cross is a stumbling block. To some the cross is foolishness. To those who believe, the cross is the power and wisdom of God. How might the cross shape our lives?
Read the Bible passage Service Outline To some, the cross is a stumbling block. To some the cross is foolishness. To those who believe, the cross is the power and wisdom of God. How might the cross shape our lives?
Read the Bible passage Service Outline x Why did Jesus tell this story? Leaving dad, and where it ended up. Coming to his senses. Dad’s reaction. The elder son’s reaction and dad’s response. Ourselves?
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Blessed are: The poor in spirit (v3) Those who mourn (v4) The meek (v5) Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (v6) The merciful (v7) The pure in heart (v8) The peacemakers (v9) Those who are persecuted for righteousness sake…and on…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline The context Unpacking the 16th verse As we go, let people know
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Love’s Package Love’s Priority Love’s Portrait Love’s Permanence Love’s Position
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Where is this new life and how did we get it? What’s included in this new life in Christ as we read about it in today’s passage? The Father and his family. ” to the praise of his glorious grace.” A new freedom. A new future. …
Read the Bible passage Service outline Paul’s opening words to Timothy. Paul tells us about his own experience of grace and mercy. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. Why is it that it is Jesus who saves sinners? Christ has died Christ has risen. Christ will come again. To close: For what,…
Read the Bible passage Service outline Sad faces. ‘Sizzling’ hearts. “Stay with us!” Swift feet.
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Two obstacles to our having a relationship with God, and he with us – overcome through the Son. The greatness of the Son. Seen in his relation to the universe. Seen in his relation to God himself. God put the whole picture of himself together in one Person,…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline A little summary of Paul’s: Romans 1:16,17 – in 3 main statements. “I am not ashamed of the gospel” “Because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.” “For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is…