Read the Bible passage Service outline Permanent praise?? David’s testimony: Praise from the pit (v. 1-7) David’s plea: Be filled with good fear (v. 8-14) David’s God: The Lord who sees, hears, and acts (v. 15-22) Let us exalt his name together
Read the Bible passage Service outline Permanent praise?? David’s testimony: Praise from the pit (v. 1-7) David’s plea: Be filled with good fear (v. 8-14) David’s God: The Lord who sees, hears, and acts (v. 15-22) Let us exalt his name together
Read the Bible passage Service outline My soul finds rest in…? Rest for God’s King: A solid rock through the assaults of his enemies (v. 1-7) Rest for God’s people: A trustworthy refuge in a fleeting world (v. 8-10) The source of rest: The God of power, love, and justice (v. 11-12) Yes, my soul,…
Read the Bible passage Service outline The search for guidance… The Guide: The God of covenant faithfulness The Guided: He guides the humble The Guidance: Show me your ways Being guided by the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
Read the Bible passage Service outline Life in a fallen world? Life in God’s new world: A grace-filled yesterday, a glory-filled tomorrow, and a gospel-filled today ‘Be glad and rejoice forever in what I will create’
Read the Bible passage Service outline Groundhog Day? The restless futility of self-righteousness The transforming peace of the righteous God Repentance and transformation for God’s people in exile
Read the Bible passage Service outline Banquets and festal joy The Invitation: Come! (55:1-2) he Menu: And everlasting covenant (55:3-5) The Call: Turn! (55:6-7) The Host: Utterly trustworthy (55:8-11) The Aftertaste: Eternal, cosmic joy; the host’s renown (55:12-13) ‘O Lamb of God, I come’
Read the Bible passage Service outline The unbelievable message: highly exalted, despised, and rejected (52:13-53:3) The incredible reason: pierced for our transgressions (53:4-9) The wonderful outcome: the light of life (53:10-12) The heart of the gospel: guilt, substitution, and grace
Read the Bible passage Service outline Great Expectations? Great expectations for the Servant of the Lord The sharp messenger to the nations (v. 1-2) The surprising splendor of God (v. 3-4) The saving light of the world (v. 5-6) Great expectations for the servants of the Lord
Read the Bible passage Service outline A burden for the weary: The enslaving seduction of idolatry (46:1-2) ‘Turn to me and be saved’: Replacing our idols with the one true and living God The incomparable God who carries his people (46:3-7) The sovereign God who does as he pleases (46:8-11) The saving God who will…
Read the Bible passage Service outline Comfort? Isaiah 40-66: Surprising relief, stunning hope Glorious comfort for suffering exiles (40:1-11) The comfort of atonement (v2)The comfort of God’s presence (v3-5) The comfort of the eternal gospel (v. 6-9) The comfort of the strong and tender shepherd (v. 10-11) Comfort through the justice-bringing Servant (42:1-4) The (current)…