Read the Bible passage Sermon outline A sense of direction? ‘As for other matters…’ ‘…we instructed you’ ‘…how to live in order to please God’ ‘…do this more and more’ ‘…by the authority of the Lord Jesus’
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline A sense of direction? ‘As for other matters…’ ‘…we instructed you’ ‘…how to live in order to please God’ ‘…do this more and more’ ‘…by the authority of the Lord Jesus’
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Pomp and ceremony The Conquering King: who triumphs on a donkey (12-19) The Conquering King: who gives life through death (20-26) The Conquering King: who conquers through a cross (27-36) “We died before we came here”
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline What do you give the person who has (given you) everything? Mary’s grace-soaked gift (v. 1-3) Judas’ self-soaked piety (v. 4-6) Jesus’ cross-soaked priority (v. 7-8) Lazarus’ Jesus-soaked witness (v. 9-11) Giving as receivers
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Learning to live die well Life and death in John 11 Jesus meets anxious news: a puzzling reaction (v. 1-16) Jesus meets Martha: the resurrection and the life (v. 17-27) Jesus meets Mary: the God who weeps (v. 28-37) Jesus meets the Dead Man: the Word who speaks life (v.…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Another festival, another stoning… (John 10:22-39) A charged question Those who don’t believe Those who do believe The calm before the storm (John 10:40-42) Being lead by the Good Shepherd
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Who do we think you are? A demon-possessed Samaritan! (v. 48-51) Who do you think you are!? Greater than Abraham? (v. 52-56) Older than Abraham!? (v. 57-58) The fall-out (v. 59) Water, light, truth, and life from the great I Am
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Truth and freedom Truly free those who remain in the Son’s word (v.31-32) those set free by the Son (v. 33-38) those who belong to God as their Father (v. 39-47) A sobering warning and glorious promise
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Darkness and light… Jesus’ claim: the Light of the World (v12) Jesus’ witnesses: Father and Son (v. 13-20) Jesus’ home: From above (v. 21-30) Walking in the light
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline An unusual passage and an important question On Scripture… footnotes and fragments Staggering confidence A Jesus-centred view of Holy Scripture On Stones… The trap (7:53-8:6) The response (v. 6-8) Grace and truth, forgiveness and holiness (v. 9-11) …neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin.
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline A Psalm for Aussies? Psalm 116: The overflowing thanks of a restful soul The dark sorrow of the grave The relief of a Saviour who hears and acts The free response of sacrifice & praise A Psalm of Jesus A Psalm for you