Read the Bible passage Service Outline A day to remember… When God passes through: Judgment Distinction Glory When God passes over: Substitution Freedom Worship “Behold the Lamb!”: Receiving, and remembering, the blood of the Lamb
Read the Bible passage Service Outline A day to remember… When God passes through: Judgment Distinction Glory When God passes over: Substitution Freedom Worship “Behold the Lamb!”: Receiving, and remembering, the blood of the Lamb
Read the Bible passage Service Outline God in a box? The God who met Moses: The God who is The God who is with his people The God who patiently calls Moses to join his plan The God who meets us in Jesus Christ: The One who is The One who is God-with-us The One…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Over-promise, under-deliver? The promise progresses (1:1-7) The promise in peril (1:8-22) An unexpected rescue (2:1-10) An unexpected rescuer (2:11-22) The promising, rescuing God (2:23-24)
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Pie in the sky when you die…? Labour that is not in vain: Gospel giving (v1-4) Gospel going (v5-12; 15-18) Gospel greeting (v. 19-20) Two final pleas: to the people of the gospel (v13-14) to the Lord of the gospel (v. 21-22) The grace of the Lord Jesus be…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline On getting out of bed… The hope of the resurrection: A glorious hope (v. 20-23; 35-49) A cosmic hope (v. 24-28) A transforming hope (v. 29-34) But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Order, Order! When you gather… (v26) Three Corinthian disorders: Tongues (v. 27-28) Prophecy (v. 29-33) Men & women (v. 34-36) Re-ordered by the Lord (v. 37-40) The promise of a rightly-ordered body today
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Order, Order! When you gather… (v26) Three Corinthian disorders: Tongues (v. 27-28) Prophecy (v. 29-33) Men & women (v. 34-36) Re-ordered by the Lord (v. 37-40) The promise of a rightly-ordered body today
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Why do you church!? Being a body-builder: Run after love, seek God’s enabling (v. 1) Body-building in Corinth: A case-study of tongues and prophecy What are they? Their impact on the body (v. 2-19) Their impact on those outside (v. 20-25) Body-building today
Read the Bible passage Service Outline “We are one, but we are many”? Christ’s body: United in one Spirit (12-14) Dividing the body: “You don’t need me” (15-20) Dividing the body: “I don’t need you” (21-26) Building the body: eagerly desire the greater gifts (27-31a) Building the body: follow the most excellent way (31b) “Now…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline A Spiritual church? Holy Spirituality: All about Jesus (v. 1-3) Holy Spirituality: All of God’s grace (v. 4-6) Holy Spirituality: Diverse gifts, united purpose (v. 7-11) A Holy Spirit church