Read the Bible passage Service Outline. The sovereign, triune God has a global gospel (v. 6-12) opens closed hearts (v. 13-15) frees the oppressed (v. 16-24) saves the captives (v. 25-40) ‘…he was filled with joy’
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. The sovereign, triune God has a global gospel (v. 6-12) opens closed hearts (v. 13-15) frees the oppressed (v. 16-24) saves the captives (v. 25-40) ‘…he was filled with joy’
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. The Gospel Paul Preached (v1-11) If Christ is not raised (v12-19) Christ HAS been raised (v20-28)
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. A eucatastrophe!? From scattered defeat (8:1-3) To shocking expansion: To the Samaritans!? (8:4-25) To an Ethiopian eunuch!? (8:26-40) A completely unsurprising shock Acts 1:8 Isaiah 56:3 Genesis 12:1-3 Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went’
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Good news?? Jesus message: The best news ever The people’s response: from earnest praise to murderous rage The reason: Good news to the poor Good news for you
Read the Bible passage Service Outline The context Unpacking the 16th verse As we go, let people know
Read the Bible passage Service Outline But there’s more…. How do you go on as a Christian? Not this way Don’t let anyone judge you (v16-17) 2. Don’t let anyone disqualify you (v18-19) 3. Don’t Submit to Human Commands and Teachings (v20-23) Religion is anti-Christian
Read the Bible passage
Read the Bible passage Service Outline On getting out of bed… The hope of the resurrection: A glorious hope (v. 20-23; 35-49) A cosmic hope (v. 24-28) A transforming hope (v. 29-34) But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Saints behaving badly… The appeal (v. 10) The Problem (v. 11-12) The Solution (v. 13-17) United in the gospel
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Who shaped your view of work? Genesis 1 & 2: Work is good Genesis 3: Work is bad Reshaping work: Christ and his great work Work forever? Heaven and serving