Read the Bible passage Sermon outline 30 sleeps…! Psalm 102 and the longing of Christmas: “I am in distress…” (v. 1-11) “But you, Lord, sit enthroned forever” (v. 12-17) “Let this be written for a future generation” (v. 18-28)
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline 30 sleeps…! Psalm 102 and the longing of Christmas: “I am in distress…” (v. 1-11) “But you, Lord, sit enthroned forever” (v. 12-17) “Let this be written for a future generation” (v. 18-28)
Joy of the Redeemed The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, 2 it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Making preparations Glory is coming… but Jesus is going (13:31-33) Life after Jesus = a life of witnessing love (13:34-35) = not self belief … (13:36-38) = … but hope-filled belief in God (14:1-4) = life with Jesus! (15:4-7) Life after Jesus in the Year of our Lord
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline KEY IDEA: The Courageous Christian who stands firm and endures to the end as they share Jesus with others is a confident Christian, thoroughly convinced that having ‘come once’ Jesus is coming again to save those who live and die believing in him. This ‘confidence’ will not just ‘stand…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Death and FOMO ‘Those who sleep…’ An informed, hope-filled grief (v13), made sure by Jesus’ once-for-all victory (14), that guarantees his triumphant return (15-17), and means those who sleep ‘in him’ will in no way miss out (15-17). The eternal encouragement that outshines our fear
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline There are three parts in today’s reading that indicate that what made Paul “tick” is the Gospel. We can summarize them as: 1. Gospel possibilities v13,14. 2. Gospel priority v 15-18. 3. Gospel purpose for living and provision for dying. v 19-26.
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. But wait, there’s more…Hope for you: Jesus our first-fruits (v. 20-23) Trees and seeds (v. 35-57) Hope for the cosmos: God all in all (v. 24-28) Death has been swallowed up in victory!
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. The mind of Christ: consumed with God’s glory (15:1-6) The great purpose: nations together glorifying God for his mercy (15:7-12) The promise of a united, God-glorifying people: joy, peace, and hope (15:13) Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. The land of deep darkness (Isaiah 9:2) The light that brings joy, freedom and peace (Isaiah 9:2-5) The light in the flesh: a child is born (Isaiah 9:6-7)
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. A ‘spiritual’ person? The freedom of the Spirit (v l-2) The walk of the Spirit (v 3-4) The mind of the Spirit (v 5-8) The necessity of the Spirit (v 9) The life of the Spirit ( v10-11) Living a spiritual life