Read the Bible passage Sermon outline The Real Jesus: The New Temple I’d rather not think about a God who… An outrageous act (2:13-17) An (even more) outrageous explanation (2:18-25) Following the sign: Temple religion today
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline The Real Jesus: The New Temple I’d rather not think about a God who… An outrageous act (2:13-17) An (even more) outrageous explanation (2:18-25) Following the sign: Temple religion today
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline When signs go wrong The first sign (2:11) Mother and son, woman and messiah (2:1-5) A new, unexpected abundance (2:6-10) Following the sign
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Marriage wars, book banning and the new sexual immorality ‘…what kind of woman she is’ (Luke 7:36-39) Sex: the backstory Sex is (very!) good Sex is not god ‘Simon, I have something to tell you…’ (Luke 7:40-50) Sex: the fulfilment Sex is a signpost! Sex, Jesus, and you
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Not the way it’s supposed to be… Suffering and God: an intellectual problem Suffering and God: a personal problem The Suffering God: suffering, hope, and the good news of Jesus
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Church: Gothic building, broken institution, social club, or self-help resource? Ephesians 1: The greatest story ever told All things are for Jesus (1:10) … and Jesus is for the church! (1:22) … which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way (1:23) Church: the…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Dying is to become a Christian Luke 9:51 On the Winning Side (verses 18-20) Death is Not a Spectator Sport (verses 21-23) a)Jesus’ death and me b)Deny Self c)Take up your cross d)Daily e)Follow Losing and gaining life (verses 24-25)
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Captain Keane’s captive audience Gospel growth: the story of the Colossians Gospel growth: talking to God about people (4:2-4) Gospel growth: talking to people about God (4:5-6) The extraordinary ordinariness of life with Jesus
Read the Bible Passage Sermon outline Slowing down, sultanas, and small things Receiving Jesus: beginning as a Christian ‘So then… …just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord’ Receiving Jesus: continuing as a Christian ‘continue to live your lives in him… …rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Ambition: the good, the bad and the ugly Paul’s Jesus-shaped ambition The goal: Him The result: maturity The cost: suffering and struggle The power: God’s energy The threat: fine sounding arguments The joy: ambition fulfilled Our Jesus-shaped ambition
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Brokenness, failure, and the gospel of self-belief The gospel is not about you… (1:15-20) …but it is for you (1:21-23) your past (v21) your present (v22a) your future (v22b) your response (v23)