Read the Bible passage Service Outline. Intro: “I could never do that” A Caution: GIGO, ChatGPT & “Odd“ Passages 1 — (v8-14) Doing what doesn’t come naturally. 2 — (vv15-22) What the heart loves, the Will chooses. Conclusion: A change of Heart.
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. Intro: “I could never do that” A Caution: GIGO, ChatGPT & “Odd“ Passages 1 — (v8-14) Doing what doesn’t come naturally. 2 — (vv15-22) What the heart loves, the Will chooses. Conclusion: A change of Heart.
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. Retell React Reveal Reason Respond
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. God’s question for us is? Who has (Isaiah 53:1) 1) Responses to Jesus so far … (6:50-7:24) a) Jesus’ `not there yet’ brothers in Galilee (1-9) b) Who are `the. Jews’ and why do they want to kill Jesus? (10-24) 2) Divided responses during the feast of booths…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. ‘Men wanted for hazardous journey…’ Reality check #1: We must go through many hardships… Proud plots Superstition and stoning Reality check #2: All that God had done through them! Bold, effective, confirmed proclamation great numbers believe churches are strengthened Dangerous journey:…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. What’s your mission? An international church sends out an international mission This mission: is God’s mission! is what all history has been straining towards proclaims beautiful news to all nations provokes fierce opposition brings eternal life and global light and Spirit-filled joy What’s your mission?
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. ‘ Tear down this wall!’ Jesus wonderfully transforms lives … among the Jews (9:32-43) But what about Acts 1:8? The ends of the earth? (From B.C. to A.D.: God’s holy people fulfilled in Jesus) Jesus demonstrates his radical, global fulfilment With two disturbing visions…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. An unlikely convert? The risen Lord breaks through with transforming light The risen Lord binds together in shocking unity The risen Lord sends out in suffering boldness Lives transformed by the good news of Jesus throughout the Fleurieu region
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. A eucatastrophe!? From scattered defeat (8:1-3) To shocking expansion: To the Samaritans!? (8:4-25) To an Ethiopian eunuch!? (8:26-40) A completely unsurprising shock Acts 1:8 Isaiah 56:3 Genesis 12:1-3 Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went’
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. Uncertainty, anxiety, and confusion? The patient proofs of the risen Lord (v. 36-43) The amazing fulfilment of the long-awaited Lord (v. 44-46) The Messiah WILL suffer (e.g. Psalm 22, Isaiah 53) The Messiah WILL rise (e.g. Psalm 16) The global mission of the ascended Lord (v. 47-53) The Messiah’s…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline The context Unpacking the 16th verse As we go, let people know