Read the Bible passage Service Outline. The sovereign, triune God has a global gospel (v. 6-12) opens closed hearts (v. 13-15) frees the oppressed (v. 16-24) saves the captives (v. 25-40) ‘…he was filled with joy’
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. The sovereign, triune God has a global gospel (v. 6-12) opens closed hearts (v. 13-15) frees the oppressed (v. 16-24) saves the captives (v. 25-40) ‘…he was filled with joy’
Read the Bible passage Service Outline The Names of Christmas you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.’ (1:21) ‘… they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).’ (1:23) ‘.. out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people…’…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. What child is this? End of the ages Word of the Father King of Creation Beautiful Saviour Risen ruler Fix your thoughts on Jesus
Read the Bible passage Service Outline To some, the cross is a stumbling block. To some the cross is foolishness. To those who believe, the cross is the power and wisdom of God. How might the cross shape our lives?
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Salvation is impossible for us to achieve Jesus Christ achieved salvation Jesus gifts salvation to all who trust in Him
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Spot the difference? Jesus’ equality revolution: Equally precious to God Equally fallen before God Equally invited by God The test of equality: Love for your enemy The ground is level at the foot of the cross
Read the Bible passage Service outline Live in expectation of Christ’s return (vv.1-10) a. Day of the Lord will surprise people in darkness b. Day of the Lord will not surprise those of us in the light 2. Encourage each other in light…
Read the Bible passage Service outline Paul’s opening words to Timothy. Paul tells us about his own experience of grace and mercy. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. Why is it that it is Jesus who saves sinners? Christ has died Christ has risen. Christ will come again. To close: For what,…
Read the Bible passage Service outline Great Expectations? Great expectations for the Servant of the Lord The sharp messenger to the nations (v. 1-2) The surprising splendor of God (v. 3-4) The saving light of the world (v. 5-6) Great expectations for the servants of the Lord
Read the Bible passage