Read the Bible passage Service Outline Live in Assurance of Perfect Victory Imperfection cannot inherit perfection We will be victoriously changed to perfection Victory is given through Jesus Christ Serve the Lord in victorious hope
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Live in Assurance of Perfect Victory Imperfection cannot inherit perfection We will be victoriously changed to perfection Victory is given through Jesus Christ Serve the Lord in victorious hope
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline A victorious life? What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us: Four threats to our assurance 1) Who can be against us? 2) Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? 3) Who then is the one who condemns?…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline The lie of a safe Jesus The scandal of Jesus’ kingdom: A new people of God The opponents of Jesus’ kingdom: Crowded by conflict The victory of Jesus’ kingdom: Binding the strong man The safety of the real Jesus
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Two things to say to bring us hope in this desperate situation. 1. GOD’S MERCY IS ASTOUNDING. 2. GOD’S VICTORY IS AWESOME.
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Heresy bells or a theological free-for-all? Be warned! The anatomy of false teachers (16:17-18) Be wise! The ever-present threat of false teachers (16:19) The victory of God: A grace-powered battle (16:20) Holding fast to the glorious gospel today
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Victory! (Again) Gideon’s journey: from fear to faith ‘Baal-Fighter’ (7:1) 1% (7:2-8) Visions and Dreams (7:9-14) Worship (7:15-25) Triumph in Weakness Good news for Gideons!
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Victory! Othniel: the spiral begins Sold to the doubly-wicked Still at the top Othniel: God at work Living in the victory of God Peace Joy A greater deliverance